Updated Patch Notes for August 26

The development team has made the following changes and updates to the game in the latest Changeset 826 update.
  • Updated the ground on surface and caves to help with feedback where the characters blend too much due to similar color scheme
  • Adjusted the quest screen tutorial to help with some confusion on quest selection
  • Added a tutorial in-game for purity mode explaining what it does when active
  • Added cloud saving of corruption points, corruption levels, and all corrupted bosses. This is paired to whichever platform you're currently logged into (Steam has highest priority, and Discord is secondary). Bonus points if you have the same display/username between Steam and Discord as it will use the same backend. This is also the same system that determines name on top left of main menu.
  • Updated leaderboard system to now show "today's leaderboard" which clears when challenge resets, and "lifetime leaderboard" which shows highest score. This also uses new backend with cloud saving which unfortunately wiped out all lifetime scores to date.
  • Updated trap room effect due to graphical artifacts and performance issues
  • Removed light around treasure in treasure room
  • Resolved issue where, with the game log turned off, it'd flash on and off in rooms as messages were passed to it
  • Resolved issue where, with purity mode, if you exhausted all corrupted bosses in pool, you could still select a corruption quest and crash in boss room
  • Gambling chance now 50/50 (originally 70% chance to lose). 10% chance for jackpot stays the same
  • Added wolf/werewolf hurt and die sounds
  • Updated sounds for critters (especially rats which made everyone's ears bleed)
  • All units now have variance in their stats and health instead of just the level's base balancing amounts
  • Voice now has its own sound category in options
  • Achievements added to the game. Currently only in Steam. Eventually will show in the encyclopedia.
  • Rooms with doors now properly highlight both the frame and door when hovered
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